Traditionally society has been conditioned to believe that abuse is always physical. In the movies it's a big muscular man in a vest swigging from a bottle of whisky giving his vulnerable partner half his size black eyes so she has to wear sunglasses when it's raining. Or a man that removes his belt to discipline his children before they go to church on a Sunday.
Abuse is not always physical and one does not need to be large in size to be abusive. Abuse can also be emotional, verbal, sexual and financial all of which can be administered by anyone of any size, age or gender. We do not dispute that there are women out there that are being abused by men. Absolutely there are. However there are also men out there being abused by women and this tends to be overlooked
This website addresses a different aspect of abuse and something that people just cannot comprehend or believe unless it happens to either themselves or someone they know.
There are people out there that know, lies told in the right way to the right people can be a very powerful tool to get what they want.
This website is all about fighting False Accusations of Domestic Abuse
Copyright © 2024 Male victims of false accusations uk - All Rights Reserved.
Please be aware nothing on this website is intended to provide legal advice - You must obtain your own legal advice from a solicitor